Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jenny and Kristen

These are the two beautiful little girls I'm going to visit in Viet Nam. Jenny just turned three and Kristen is just one.  I have never seen Kristen in person.

This is an old photo of Kristen who is now walking and I know has changed a LOT!. Can you see in the photo that they pierce their ears at the hospital. They put little ribbon/thread in the holes.

This is JENNY in her school uniform.
She already speaks English and Vietnamese.  Good thing since her dad doesn't speak Vietnamese. Thank goodness her mom speaks both languages.

My son, Scott, is a chemical engineer in Southeast Asia. The picture of the platform is what he does over there.  If I'm not mistaken, he was the project manager on this particular platform which had him involved in all aspects of the design and function.  Looks like that college education is paying off.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see new pictures of my little nieces in Viet Nam. This is a wonderful idea.
