Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting Ready For Travel

Started packing today. Need a bigger bag.  It seems that my clothes are the least of things that I am taking. The gifts and toys for the girls and the special requests take up a lot of "bulk". Oh well, that will just leave me more space to fill with things to bring back from Vietnam.  There are some advantages to packing BIG bags. I also have a "check list" that is getting rather lengthy.  One more day and a lot to get done.

I leave Kansas City at 6:00 AM Thursday Morning for Dallas. 
Leave Dallas at 10:10 AM for Tokyo and arrive at 1:05 PM the following day.
Leave Tokyo at 5:50 PM for Ho Chi Minh and arrive at 10:05 PM

20 Hours 50 Minutes in FLIGHT -  7 Hours 20 Minutes Total Layover Time
Lots of time to "relax"

1 comment:

  1. I know you are ready to see Scott, Van and the girls. Give all of them a hug for me. Please tell Van thank you for the wonderful bags and wallets. It was so great of her to think of us. Have fun and take LOTS of pictures. Love you,
