Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Another Day In Paradise

The days are kind of running together now.  We really don't care what day it is. Each day is as good or better than the day before. We see animals in the wild, we see vistas that go on forever, we see plants and flowers that cause us to revel in their beauty and we are surrounded by people that are gracious, generous, funny and truly appreciate the bounty they have here on this glorious spot of God's earth.

 These are some of the pets that hang around Tollie and Karen's place.  They are really friendly and come up every evening to say "hello".

 Beth and Cyndi each got a white Springbuck, same morning, different hunters.
Just a beautiful evening

 Beth shot this really  nice impala with Graham.
The three young bulls were doing a lot of posturing. They wanted to make sure we knew they were bulls.

 Charla was incredibly happy with this beautiful Blue Wildebeest. Her first ever African animal, thanks to Graham, her PH.
 I really worked for this nice zebra. Graham made me climb a mountain.  No really!! It was a mountain. But the good news was, when I shot it; the zebra ran down the mountain and died close to the truck. The zebra got down the mountain a lot quicker than I did.
 Beth and Graham with her Copper Springbuck
I have a better photo of Charla and Graham and her Kudu that does have my leg in the lower part of the photo, but it takes so long to download photos; I didn't want to take the time to load another one. As you can see, she got a beautiful Kudu.

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