Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 1 South Africa

Well, we are finally here. The five of us made it. . . Beth, Cyndi, Charla, Margi and I arrived in Port Elizabeth this afternoon after 23 hours from New York with a stop over in Johannesburg.  We've gotten very little sleep; we are pretty weary, and look like 8 days of hard road; but we are so happy to be here we are on the verge of "giddy". We were picked up in Port Elizabeth by our hunters, Beans and Graham, who then drove us about 2 hours north of Port Elizabeth to the area of Somerset East where our base will be for the next five days.  We all settled in immediately.  Unpacked, sat by the fire, had some wine, had a wonderful dinner, a little more wine, and some wonderful stories.  Tomorrow we sight in guns and hunt for Springbok for Cyndi and Beth.  They want a black and a white Springbok.  We also met Karly our "on sight" masseuse whose services we are definitely going to use.  After the telling of tall tales and setting all the plans for tomorrow, it is now almost 1:00am and time for bed.  Photos will be posted soon. 

We are in a beautiful place, with friends we love, and we are going to have a wonderful, meaningful trip in South Africa.  Till later, Love to friends and family back home.,

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