Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Starting the Blog Back Up -- Going Back to South Africa

Well, I'm going back to South Africa and I'm so excited.  This time I'm going with wonderful friends: Cyndi, Beth, Margi and Charla.  If you want to see one of the places where we will be spending the first five days of our trip, look here:

Then after five days in this beautiful place we are getting a driver and taking the "Garden Tour" along the Coast from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town.  What a glorious trip.  Of course we are going to visit the fabulous wine country of South Africa and all this beautiful country has to offer in the short time available to us.

I remember my first trip many years ago to Africa.  When I told my dear mother (who is no longer with us) that I was going on safari to Zimbabwe, her comments were typical of her; but not typical of any other mother's.  Most mother's would be so excited that their little girl from Tennessee had the opportunity to go to such an exotic country and visit a foreign land.  MY Mother, on the other hand, her comment to me was, "For heaven's sake, Becky, you're going to someone else's country. Do you think you can behave?"  Yep, that was my Mom.

Well, I didn't get thrown out of the country and I went back; so I guess everything worked out.  If I have a connection while I'm away, I'll be posting to my blog; and those who are interested are welcome to sign on and share while we are away.  We leave on April 27 and return May 11.  There will be photos. 

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip Becky!!! I hope everything goes perfect for you...can't wait for the updates and to take the journey with you from afar! Be careful!!!
