Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Friday, May 4, 2012

Could The Days Get Any Better?

I haven't mentioned anything about the wonderful meals that are being presented to us each evening.  Appetizers, salads, desserts, the main entrees all prepared by Karen that are as good as a five star in our opinion. The salads are all fresh and freshest vegetables. The first night our main entree was Nyala steak with a cheddar/peppercorn sauce; Glazed chicken pieces, Roast Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, And Green Beans.

The next night we arrived at dinner to a place marker with our photo of our game taken that day. The menu that night Crumbed blesbuck Strips, Lamb Chops with potatoes, Rice, Mixed Grilled Vegetables.  And last night we had Kudu Schnitzels, Chicken Schnitzels topped with bacon, cheese and mushroom sauce, Pumpkin cakes, Cauliflower and broccoli with cheese sauce, Potatoes in herb sauce. 

Every meal  is served with wonderful wine, horde ouvres, and desserts.

As always the hunting is wonderful. Cyndi and I both took Black Springbucks with Graham. I didn't want one until I saw how pretty the one was that Cyndi shot. 

Beth likes trophies with screwed up horns.  So this Nyala was perfect for what she was looking for.  She got him early in the morning.

This is "Ears" , the pet Nyala that was raised from a baby at Tollies.  He loves being around people and whenever people are over at Tollies, he comes up to be petted.  He also likes to drink out of a glass.  The funniest is when he feels ignored and tries to get attention by doing his Nyala dance.

If you look closely, you'll see the head of a Cobra in the grass. We ran across this fella one day when we were out stalking for a Kudu.  The PH said when his head is up, he means business.  If it hadn't been for the photo, the PH's would have thought we were kidding when we said we say a snake.  

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