Blue Ball Monkey

Blue Ball Monkey

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Not a Menu I'm Used To. . .

Well last night's dinner was interesting.  We all met Scott at a nice restaurant for dinner.  It had a rather large menu, several pages.  Scott wanted me to try this certain fish so I just let him order for me.  (So far he hadn't steered me wrong on anything edible; therefore, I trusted what he was going to order.) 

Here's the front page of the menu.  It had about 12-14 pages.

Here's the Shrimp Appetizer.  That "orange" to the side is a flame all around the bottom of the bowl which they keep going with wax. The shrimp "cook" like this at the table in the juice of the coconut.  The flame heats the liquid in the coconut to boiling and it cooks the shrimp. Then the waitress peels the shrimp and puts them back into the liquid.

As I was browsing the menu, I came across this page and couldn't believe it.  Had to take a picture.  Yep, that's FIELD MICE on the menu fixed four different ways.  35,000VND = appx $1.35 each.  I, of course, said something about "mice on the menu" and Van said, "It's not your regular type city mice, it nice country mice."  OMG!

More Menu Surprises.  Eel anyone?
115,000 VND = appx. $5.50

And let's not forget the "Specialty Dishes" like
 Copperhead and Weasel.
I think that's "Price on Request"

Then Dinner arrived-- This big 'ole fish.  Before the waitress opened it up and removed the main bones, I had to get this photo of the presentation.

The fish was actually good.  Tasted a lot like crappie. I ate it with chop sticks like I was supposed to. 

Then Van ordered Chicken.  Notice the head and feet still attached? The liver and gizzard are out in front of the plate.  Isn't that lovely?

There were also the "live" tanks where you could select your own dinner.  These things are Snails and they looks nasty.  My description of them would be even nastier so I'll just let the picture do the visuals.

Or. . .  you could have had a Roasted Suckling Pig which was being prepared right at the entrance to the restaurant.  Isn't it cute?

1 comment:

  1. As picky an eater as I am, maybe it was devine intervention that I haven't gotten to make any of the Viet Nam trips.
